Restore Your Looks With Facial Plastic Surgery

Tower Ear Nose Throat

Skin Cancer Treatment

A majority of skin cancers occur in the head and neck region. We treat skin cancers to prevent growth and spread. We aim to minimize scarring and make the process as comfortable as possible.


Reshaping the outer nose can be accomplished at the same time as improving breathing through the nose.

Tower Ear Nose Throat
Tower Ear Nose Throat

Eyelid Surgery

Upper vision loss can be the result of eyelid skin hanging over the eyelashes. Many local optometrists refer us to patients who are having visual field loss. An upper blepharoplasty or ptosis repair is covered under insurance when it's considered medically necessary. Others come because they no longer want to look tired or aged.

Face Lifting

The next best way to look more youthful is to undergo a facelift. This tightens the jawline and upper neck. Next to the eyes, the neck shows the earliest signs of aging.

Tower Ear Nose Throat

Brow Lifting

This elevates the eyebrows and lifts the upper eyelids. Upper eyelid surgery is often quite subtle in changing the appearance, especially if the brows are below the bone.

Skin Blemishes

We treat facial scars, lumps, bumps, unwanted moles, and wrinkles. The options are numerous. We offer skin care products, chemical peels, laser, pulsed light treatments, Botox, fillers, and surgery.